So Very Grateful... and Roots Magic!
I am so very grateful to you, all of my followers! The time taken to comment on blogs can be very time consuming, let alone reading and keeping up with so many of them. There are a few of you who have been pretty consistent commenting here on my posts. I thank you all! I do my best trying to make comments on others blogs, but I find I don't do as much as I would like. I keep vowing to do better! I do try to comment on various blogs, to try to spread the wealth so to speak. I do not know how many blogs I follow in my reader, but I know there are several hundred. It has gotten to be more than I can keep up with anymore! Top that with leaving comments here and there and wow, very time consuming. But, oh how I love to read all those posts! Needless to say, I am appreciating more and more the time taken to leave a comment here. Again, I wish to thank all of you who have done so! I have kept track all year who has left comments here on Heritage Happens, and how many times. As m...