
Showing posts from May, 2011

Monday's Mention ~ Memorial Day

The photo above is of Darrell Westby, my first cousin once removed. On this Memorial Day I am sending heartfelt thank yous to each and every person who has served this wonderful country! We would not be what we are today without you! You have taken deep pride in your duty and I couldn't be more proud to have this opportunity to thank you!  For those who have lost loved ones while serving in one of the most honorable duties of the United States, I thank you! Great sacrifices have been made, tragedy in many cases to common an occurrence.  May each and every veteran and each and every person who is currently in the service enjoy a wonderful Memorial Day holiday today! May you publicly and privately be shown the courtesy and thanks you so much deserve. Feel proud, appreciated and loved. THANK YOU!!! Extra special thanks to my own family members for your service! Such an amazing honor in having each of you be a part of my family! Today I share this photo of one person who ...

Beautiful Blog Award

Thank you so much to Jeannie who authors the I Like to Be Here When I Can  blog. She was very kind to think of Heritage Happens when passing on this Beautiful Blog Award. I am doubly grateful to her because her brother has been in the hospital very ill, but she still took the time to think about who to hand out these awards to and then execute her plan. Healing thoughts for you and your brother Jeannie, I hope he has a very speedy recovery. I will be thinking of you both and looking forward to the positive updates! I am truly honored your thoughts regarding this award have come my way. Blessings to you and all of your family! Ok, I am suppose to pass this Beautiful Blog Award on to five others I feel are deserving. Tough, tough choices to only pick five, but this time I have chosen ~ Donna's, My Shabby Chateau Vicki's,   Photos by BeNotForgot Mary's,   Me Quilter Yvonne's, Swedish Thoughts Sandy's, With Gratitude... Award winners, please pass your award on t...

Those Places Thursday ~ US Customs House

In 2005 I made my first research trip to another state. The trip was to Pennsylvania where my great grandfather settled after immigrating from Norway. This particular day (after I was done with my research) we took a sight seeing trip to New York. It was the first time either of us (my husband and I) had been to New York. The US Customs House, partially shown above, is located in the Financial District. The buildings in the financial district are amazing to see. They are massive, and full of architecture. The US Customs House, located at One Bowling Green, had this banner displayed when we were there. I appreciated the message on the banner as advertised by the Smithsonian, I believe you will also: "Listening to Our Ancestors" Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!   Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

Wordless Wednesday ~ Unknown in Uniform, Taken in Sweden

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights

Monday's Mention... A List of... the Longevity of... Animals?

I was poking through my genealogy files this morning looking for specific hand written letters (which I still haven't found) when I came across scans I made of my Lundberg grandmother's photo albums and scrapbooks last summer. You may remember me mentioning the hundreds of photos and albums I scanned that belonged to this grandmother and her parents. I remember scanning over eight hundred items. Between last summer and the prior year I am amazed my scanner still works. Oh, it whined and cried at me at times, but it has toughed it out through three major projects thus far. I have another major project still but I will wait to start it until maybe next fall. While I was doing all of this scanning, I don't believe I mentioned any of the articles or items my grandmother saved. Some seemed, to me anyway, rather strange items to keep. There were articles written about and/or by people with absolutely no connection to the family, not even as a friend, as far as I know. I try t...

Those Places Thursday ~ Skien, Norway

A few years back I met one of my "first cousins once removed." He lives only a couple of hours or so away from me, and yet that was the first time I had met him. Once upon a time he was very involved with genealogy. At the time I met with him though, his genealogy files had been boxed away, his interest had waned.  Thankfully, he and his wife were very kind and welcomed me into their home. My cousin didn't seem to mind pulling some of his treasures out of storage to share with me. One of the treasures was this photo that I scanned. I remember being in total awe as I learned how it fit into my family.  The photo came from a Norwegian genealogy text of which, unfortunately, I have no further information. This building in the forefront is actually where my great grandmother, Dagny Elina Dulin, and her family lived. It is located in Skien, Norway. They lived on the first floor, Dagny and her twelve siblings and parents. The genealogy text stated that this flat " was ...

Those Places Thursday ~ Hollister Motorcycle Rally

Sharing a part of my recent past... Fourth of July Weekend, Hollister, California, 2002. Cheryl Palmer [Address for private use] California. 2011 I am sure most of you have heard of Sturgis , the BIG motorcycle rally in South Dakota. There is also the Laughlin River Run , Laconia , and Reno's Street Vibrations among many, many others. But, have you ever heard of the Hollister Motorcycle Rally? Hollister was one of my all time favorite runs. For those who don't know, yes I ride a Harley Davidson. The last bike I bought was a brand new 100th anniversary Fat Boy. I shared a picture of it here .  Since I started riding in 1999, I think I have missed one Hollister event. Hollister is fairly close to my house so it isn't an event where I need to spend the night. Many people however did camp a night or two at nearby Bolado Park. I always enjoyed walking the main street checking out the bikes and all of the wild and crazy people. Of course, there were many booths to shop at...