
Showing posts from September, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Lagorio

Jennifer and Anthony Lagorio. San Leandro, California. December 18, 1983. Scanned image. Held by Cheryl [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2009. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

My Genealogy Trading Card

What great fun Sheri Finley has started! Randy Seaver added to the fun by making this a "Saturday Night Fun" item. I am a bit late for Saturday night fun, so I am doing this for Sunday night fun! Here is my trading card. Several bloggers have made their trading cards, and they are great! Have you created your trading card? Have you started your collection? You can go to Big Hugh Labs to make yours if you haven't already done so. My trading card is complete so now I am off to start my collection. Thank you Sheri and Randy for this two-fold treat. First we have fun with the creating and then we have more fun collecting! Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

Forty Best Genealogy Blogs

Family Tree Magazine is asking you to vote on your favorite Genealogy Blogs! Questions have risen regarding the voting procedure. Over at footnoteMaven's blog , you can read the questions she proposed. As usual, footnoteMaven is on her toes! Great questions! Dianne Haddad of The Insider Blog at Family Tree was also on her toes and posted a reply to the questions footnoteMaven asked. If you click on the link of The Insider Blog you can read Dianne's response. Conclusions, as footnoteMaven understands this voting process are posted here . Now you have all of the links so you can follow the process Family Tree Magazine is promoting. My understanding in this process is that you are actually nominating your favorite blogs. Nominations may be made until September 30, and you may nominate as many blogs as you wish, although they must be nominated one at a time. If you choose not to read the above links you can still go on ahead and vote for your favorites here . The actual votin...

Those Places Thursday - Bohannon Middle School

This is where I went to middle school, Bohannon Middle School in San Lorenzo, California. One of the neighbor friends and I walked to school together. I remember it seemed so far away back then. Looking back now, I think it is maybe a half a mile or so from where I lived. I remember getting into trouble when I was attending this school. One particular girl and I became friends. She lived on the opposite side of town from me, so I never knew her before going to school here. If I remember correctly we were both girl scouts also. I also think this girl had a handicap of some sort, but I can't remember what it was. Maybe she walked with a limp? After a period of time I remember there were some girls who teased me because I spent so much time with this friend of mine. Then I became aware that she always wanted my attention and I didn't fit in the "cool crowd" anymore. I couldn't tell her to stay away from me, so I wrote it in a note. Hurt her feelings. Bad. The school ...

Wordless Wednesday - Burney Falls, Ca.

Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

A Different Monday Madness, and Tuesday Madness and Wednesday Madness...

It is the end of summer and I am wondering why I am so busy all of a sudden? I was concerned about being so busy during summer, but lately, wow! Time...there isn't enough....there isn't enough of it...ever! I have many projects I am working on. In this post I will name just a few. A new laptop was an extremely wonderful and surprising gift for my birthday! It took a week before I could even turn it on, that is how busy I have been. Now that I have I want everything transferred from my old laptop to the new one, right now! Not going to happen, I already tried. Main obstacle, many of my programs are not compatible with Vista. Second obstacle, the new computer doesn't have Word or Excel, and of course all of my files are done with those programs, not Microsoft Works, etc. I understand Windows 7 is coming out the beginning of next month and I do have a free upgrade coming. Until that time, maybe I will just work off the old laptop. I have copied many of my family history type ...

Those Places Thursday - Navy Ship

This is a scanned photo of the ship my father lived on while he was in the Navy. I know this is a "place" he will never forget! He was injured while in the Navy and spent nine months in hospitals. He has possession of the original photograph, I scanned the image in September of 2008. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

Treasure from a Phone Call, or Two

A week has just blown past me and I have no idea how that even happened. We have had some hot weather this week, which always tends to wipe me out. I have been rather busy with my normal routine but there have been several added and even unexpected events. All in all, another tough week for me to blog. My grandchildren (the prince and princess) are always number one and I donate my full attention to them when they are with me, at least twice a week for anywhere from nine to twelve hours. Other evening activities and such have completely worn me out and left my blogs rather quiet. Sometimes I just don't have the time or energy to do it all! I did make some phones calls that I had been wanting to make. My newest contact had given me a number to another cousin in MN. I finally phoned this cousin, and when I did it sounded like she had given up on me calling her. She kept some family information next to her phone that she wanted to share with me for at least a week, and then put it al...