Jamboree 2013 ~ My Final Post

Cheryl Palmer and Lisa Alzo My over all view of Jamboree was nothing but pleasure. Yes, the attendance was down, due to the NGS's event in Las Vegas prior to Jamboree. I understand many people needed to choose which conference to attend. SDGS understands this also. After all, how often does California have a National Genealogy Conference? I was booked to attend in Las Vegas and was excited about going, but when my husband said we were invited on an Alaskan cruise during that time, I couldn't disappoint and not go. I love traveling, and sometimes life is a give and take situation, I missed Vegas. But getting back to Jamboree 2013, even though the count was down this year, I really enjoyed it! Rooms were not crowded and I didn't get turned away from any classes due to being full. Next year will inevitably be very crowded again, I know, and I will be prepared for that. Elena Jacobson and Patricia Stanard I enjoyed all of the classes I attended and al...