
Showing posts from January, 2012

Tuesday's Tip ~ Passports

My husband and I were aware our passports were due to expire during the first quarter of this year. We each went and had new photos taken a few weeks ago in preparation of applying for our new ones. My husband took care of the applications and sent them in.  It didn't take long. Before we knew it, the new passports arrived in the mail. When I opened my envelope to see my new passport I found a document inside which I proceeded to read. One of the things this document made me aware of, was the fact we had to send in our old passports with the application to receive the new passports. I immediately asked my husband if he indeed sent out passports in, to which he replied, yes, he had to. Well, I about lost my cool! I had no idea they needed to be sent in! After all it had been 10 years and I believe my husband sent away for our last updates also. I explained to him that had I known, I would have scanned the passports before he sent them off. Poor guy, he knew I was upset, a...

Those Places Thursday ~ Great Swedish Adventure ~ Part 17

Those Places Thursday ~ It's all about Sweden, again! I heard a couple weeks ago that the time was coming for The Great Swedish Adventure's Season 2's auditions. My initial reaction was that I wasn't sure I wanted to go through the process again. It was an amazing experience for sure, but very emotional also. I never expected to get as far as I did last year. When I made it through to the last phase (being flown to Burbank for a face to face interview) I began really feeling I had a chance to make the final cut. The feedback from the producer after the interview was very positive also, and unexpected, so my hopes at that point were set very high!  When I was informed I didn't make the final cut, it was a blow. I needed to process that I actually didn't make the cut. It was very disappointing. Looking back now, I can still feel the disappointment, although I never had hopes of even getting as far as I did. My, how my emotions changed! So now, here I am ...

Wordless Wednesday ~ Mediterranean Cruise ~ Monte Carlo Casino ~ Part 7

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!   Copyright © 2012 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

Mediterranean Cruise ~ Monaco ~ Monte Carlo ~ Part 6

When I left off last, we were headed on the train to Monaco, specifically to see Monte Carlo. Monte Carlo belongs to Monaco, but is governed independently and is only 6 miles from Villefranche. Monte Carlo is known as the playground of the rich, it is famous for it's wealth.  The cruise ship offered ten different tours you in Villefranche. The prices ranged from $56.00-$189.00 per person. We learned there was the train, from someone on the ship. Very reasonably priced and we could go everywhere on our own. It sure beat the price of the tours the ship was offering, only about five dollars each!  We arrived in Monaco and started walking. It was only a few blocks to walk to see the Monte Carlo Casino. The picture below shows that it was a cloudy overcast day? I remember it being warm though, and perfect weather to walk in. When we came to this spot I just had to take a picture, and I love it! A bit of the mountains, city, a tree and a two level street! We walked to about the...

Mediterranean Cruise ~ Villefranche, France ~ Part Five

Were does the time go? It has been 4 months since our cruise and I haven't finished posting about it! How does one get so busy that their plate is so full, you need a platter? Guess it doesn't really matter. What matters is that I am here ready to add a post! I can actually relive this cruise now... If you missed the previous posts, here are the links ~ Mediterranean Cruise ~ Part 1 Mediterranean Cruise ~ Part 2 Mediterranean Cruise ~ Part 3 Mediterranean Cruise ~ Part 4 Saturday, September 17, 2011, we are docked in the bay of Villefranche (Nice), France. We are tendered to shore and begin walking the cobblestone streets, admiring the city, just as it was. Clothes are hanging over banisters,  drying in the very pleasant, 74 degree weather. Architecture and the local beach, filled with many sunbathers and beach bums , added to the pleasantries of the morning. Another shot of the shoreline shares the "Welcome" hotel and a clock, on the left side of the photo, wh...

My Memory Library

Today is the eleventh anniversary of my mother's passing. This post is in honor of my mother... My Memory Library Imagine if I was given one moment, just a single slice of my past. I could hold it close forever, and that moment would always last. I'd put the moment in a safe, within my hearts abode. I could open it when I wanted, and only I would know the code. I could choose a time of laughing, a time of happiness and fun. I could choose a time that tried me, through everything I've done. I sat and thought about what moment, would always make me smile. One that would always push me, to walk that extra mile. If I'm feeling sad and low, if I'm struggling with what to do. I can go and open my little safe, and watch my moment through. There are moments I can think of, that would lift my spirits everytime. The moments when you picked me up, when the road was hard to climb. For me to only pick one moment, to cherish, save and keep, Is proving really difficul...

Happy Birthday James Hal Fleming!

On this day, in 1904, James Hal Fleming was born in Yale, Payne, Oklahoma. He passed away on August 29, 1993, at age 89.  Today would be his 108th Birthday! Keeping in the spirit of my grandpa Hal, as he was better known, and his sense of humor, he would really enjoy this! Happy Birthday Grandpa! Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts! Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

21COFH - The 21st Century Organized Family Historian - Week 1- Holiday Greeting Cards

Michelle Goodman is hosting the 21COFH and I am going to try to post to as many of these as possible. You can see her post here . This week~ This week, tell us what you do with your annual collection of holiday cards now that the holidays are over. These days we need to start thinking about digital greeting cards as well. What is your plan to preserve them? Last year Michelle came up with this plan~ Her criteria for becoming part of the Goodrum Greeting Card Archives:   It's from family. There is a photo. There is a note or holiday letter. It's from close family friends (especially those my children know). If it meets more than one of the above criteria, the item has a far better chance of being retained  I like her set up. I would agree that I would keep these for my family also, the Palmer's. More than likely though, I would save only pictures, letters, and the family cards. I have an extra archival safe box now that I can dedicate for this, so that is perf...

Just a Quick Note

Can you believe this blog, my Heritage Happens, made Randy Seaver's list? Best of the Genea-Blogs - for the year 2011 You can click this box to go see for yourself... I am in utter shock.  Look at the others I am surrounded by... Whatever will I do THIS year to compete with that????? Nothing, I don't compete. I am so honored!  Thank you "cousin" Randy! I guess I will keep blogging awhile longer!  (Maybe, one day, my blog will be good enough to be added to his side bar of Genealogy Blogs....could THAT be my goal for this year???????)  ;-) Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2012 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved