"My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~The Household Calvary Museum, London~Post 28
"My" Swedish Adventure ~ Förbereda (Preparing) Links to posts 1-10 can be found here . "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Links to posts 11-20 can be found here. "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Link to post 21 ~ Approaching Entrance to Buckingham Palace Wordless Wednesday ~"My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~Guard at Buckingham Palace~Post 22 "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~More Sights on the Walk to Buckingham Palace~Post 23 "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~The Side of Buckingham Palace~Post 24 "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~Buckingham Palace~Post 25 "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~At The Palace~Post 26 "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace~Post 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the front of the Museum. Upon leaving Buckingham Palace, and NOT seeing the changing of the guard, we took a short cut back heading through t...