Travel Tuesday ~ "MY" Swedish Adventure ~ Förbereda ~ Cruise and Rosetta Stone ~ Post 3
A few trips to the travel agent later...and we have not booked anything, yet. We have however narrowed down a few things and realized a few things. My top revelation~ I do not need a cruise with any stops in Sweden! That was a big revelation. Prior to this, we were looking at cruises which stopped at a couple places specifically in Sweden so I could visit certain people. My husband now fully realizes what my brain has planned for Sweden. Because he knows/understands my plans, we have come to the realization that we don't have to make my "choice stops" while actually on the cruise. In other words, we can always take a plane, train, reindeer (really? reindeer?) or whatever, in order to get where I want to go. Originally, I was following the cruise itinerary, choosing the cruises that docked in places I wanted to go. That way I was sure to get to those areas. Now that my husband fully understands where I want to go and what I want to do and is wil...