Happy 4th Blogiversary To Me!
Wow, I see it is my 4th Blogiversary! Even though I haven't written a post in a couple months, I am still around! Sometimes life just gets in the way. Have been busy making special memories with the prince and princess and family. There has been several losses in my life also recently. I have to admit, thinking about genealogy and those who have gone before us, has not been something my brain could wrap around lately. Today, I am going to a wedding. A friend is getting married for the first time in 57 years! Looking forward to this wonderful day! Maybe, with it also being my blogiversary I can change gears in my head and get back to blogging very soon! For those who have followed me for four years, or even one or two of those years, I thank you! I would like to also thank those who have already congratulated me on my 4th blogiversary, and bringing my attention to it! Gee, I seem to remember starting out as someone named Mysteri, Msteri or something li...