
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Book of Me Written By You~Prompt 15~Snow

I am participating in Julie Goucher's activity: " The Book of Me, Written by You ." This week’s prompt ~ Prompt 15 ~ Snow Do you live in area where you routinely have snow? How old were you when you first saw snow? Do you remember it? Did you make snowmen? Throw Snowballs Sledge Rides What is the image that first came to mind when you read snow? What does snow feel like, smell like how do you see snow? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was twelve years old when I saw snow for the very first time. If I saw snow before that, I do not remember. I was in the seventh grade. The church group had a weekend trip to a cabin. I don't remember where the cabin actually was. I do remember seeing photos my friend had, but unfortunately I do not have any myself. Living in central California, we do not typically get snow, at least at sea level, where I live. Up in the surrounding mountains you will see snow on occasion and once every several decade...

The Book of Me Written By You~Prompt 14~Special People

I am participating in Julie Goucher's activity: " The Book of Me, Written by You ." This week’s prompt ~ Prompt 14 ~ Special People If you had to hold a dinner party and could invite a maximum of 12 people who would you invite? This week you CAN include family. What meals would you serve and why? Perhaps include the recipe or a photo if you decided to actually cook the items! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time I get to invite family to my special dinner for twelve! Yes! I have decided to have a casual dinner outside on a California summer evening. We may even actually have dinner at the beach…at sunset. The very first person I would invite would be my Dad . He is by far, the first and foremost family member invited to attend any family functions I have. He has a very special place in my heart and I am most grateful to have him in my life! The next person I would invite to dinner would be my cousin, Jan Lundberg , in Sweden. I am so fortunate ...

The Book of Me Written By You~Prompt 13~Who's Coming to Dinner?

I am participating in Julie Goucher's activity: " The Book of Me, Written by You ." This week’s prompt ~ Prompt 13 ~ Who's Coming to Dinner? If you had to hold a dinner party and could invite a maximum of 12 special people, who would you invite? You can not include family in this-the special people could be famous or historical people. What meals would you serve and why? Perhaps include a recipe or photo if you decided to actually cook the items. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are the people I would invite to my dinner party! We are gathering to have fun and learn more about one another. We will have a large round table set elegantly, but fun too, where we can all visit together. I would invite Neil Armstrong . I remember as a child when he went to the moon. My dad and I made a BIG scroll paper (maybe for a school project?) with newspaper articles and photos, etc. of the whole event. I would ask many questions about the preparatio...

The Book of Me Written By You~Prompt 12~The Year I Was Born

I am participating in Julie Goucher's activity: " The Book of Me, Written by You ." This week’s prompt ~ Prompt 12 ~ The Year I was Born What happened.... Historical - international, national and local Family events Films Music Books Television ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first thing that comes to my mind about the year I was born is that it was also the year  Disneyland opened!   Here are a few more things happened that year ~ Can you guess what year it was? JANUARY January 2nd ~  Panamanian president Jose Antonio Remon is  assassinated January 17 ~   Submarine Nautilus begins 1st nuclear-powered test  January 19th  ~   1st presidential news conference filmed for TV (Eisenhower) January 19th ~  "Scrabble" debuts on board game  market January 20th  ~  1st atomic sub, USS Nautilus, launched at Groton Connecticut January 22nd   ~  Norwegian government of Einar Gerh...