The Book of Me Written By You~Prompt 15~Snow

I am participating in Julie Goucher's activity: " The Book of Me, Written by You ." This week’s prompt ~ Prompt 15 ~ Snow Do you live in area where you routinely have snow? How old were you when you first saw snow? Do you remember it? Did you make snowmen? Throw Snowballs Sledge Rides What is the image that first came to mind when you read snow? What does snow feel like, smell like how do you see snow? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was twelve years old when I saw snow for the very first time. If I saw snow before that, I do not remember. I was in the seventh grade. The church group had a weekend trip to a cabin. I don't remember where the cabin actually was. I do remember seeing photos my friend had, but unfortunately I do not have any myself. Living in central California, we do not typically get snow, at least at sea level, where I live. Up in the surrounding mountains you will see snow on occasion and once every several decade...