
Showing posts from October, 2012

My Online File Organization

I have completed this task!  Nice feeling of accomplishment I must say. I have to admit, it wasn’t all that long ago that I went through this! It was probably a little less than a couple years ago when I started my filing system. This plan seems to be working very well for me. When I transitioned to a Mac at the beginning of this year I found that my files didn’t move over as nice and neat as I expected then to. Some files were in the system not once, or twice, but three times! Not wanting to delete files without making sure I had a copy of everything that was in the folder, made for a daunting task that I was afraid I would never finish. Some folders had different items than the supposed matching folder while others were exact images of the duplicate folder(s). I was gun ho to get this project done and surprised myself when I actually finished, much sooner than I expected. I started alphabetically and moved down the list. There were many Su...

"NEHGS Comes West" and I Was There! Post #2

 If you missed Post #1 of this series, you can catch up HERE . The seminar opened at 8:30 for Registration, Book Sales, Silent Auction and a Continental Breakfast which was then followed with a welcome message. The event hosted eight classes that day. We were able to choose four to attend. Two classes were presented simultaneously during each session, which meant we were able to see four total sessions for the day. The speakers were Rhonda McClure and David Lambert , each lecturing four classes. Rhonda McClure’s classes were ~            1.      Unique Resources In New York State Research       2.      Researching New York City Ancestors            3.      The Golden Door Has Locks Tracing Immigrant  Ancestors            4.      I Can’t Find I...

"NEHGS Comes West" and I Was There! Post #1

From Berkeley ~ Looking at the Port of Oakland Taken by Cheryl Palmer on Friday, October 26, 2012. The California Genealogical Society hosted "NEHGS Comes West" which was held a couple of days ago in Berkeley. A few weeks back Angela from "Leaves of Heritage" and I committed to attend together and we purchased our tickets. Thankfully, I committed when I did or I may not have attended. I never even found time to go over the sessions being offered, but Angela insisted she would go over them with me while I drove to the event. It was an EARLY morning, especially for her, she needed to be up an hour before I did, and it was way to early for me these days. As I was getting ready, I kept thinking about my roommate from Jamboree and how we had a "plan" for getting ready in the mornings. We had a schedule which worked out real well for us. My roommate woke happy and cheerful every morning, and me, well, I guess I can say I am more grumpy until I ...

Happy Birthday Mom!

****This post was scheduled to post on Oct. 23rd but did not post. Posting now. Annette Neva Harding ~ Age 15 1936-2001 Today, Annette Neva Fleming, my mother, would have been 76 years old. She passed away January 7, 2001 at the young age of 64. She died of cancer. She only survived 8 years after her own mother passed away, but 22 years after her father passed away. She had one step brother who passed away 13 years before she did.  Happy Birthday to you Mom! You are missed and will never be forgotten!  Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!   Copyright © 2012 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

Organizing Update

Well, I am still at it! Going through each of my Family History Files on my computer and reorganizing, hopefully for the LAST time. It is going well, I am currently finishing up with the O’s. I have separated and added MANY files as I found several families in one main surname folder. Shuffle, Shuffle…I am REALLY pleased with how it is all working out! Been trying to decide how I should go through each person on my Family Tree Program. I started once and went through “one line” of the several that I have. My tree doesn’t start out with four lines like most people, mine starts out with 6 lines. Working through the one line made for a long boring stint. Probably why I never finished. Should I go from me backwards? Work through each line? Maybe, alphabetically… Such decisions. Upon writing this I just now decided! I think I will quickly double check the one line I previously went through first. I want to make sure everything is copasetic, and then I will go through a...

Need to be Refreshed, Invigorated, Revitalized?

I did need to be refreshed, invigorated and revitalized, and this is what helped me! Debbie, from Mascot Manor Genealogy , started hosting a "Writers Group" meeting for our local society at her home this year. I haven't been able to go to the meeting in eons, but yesterday I made it a point to attend. I am so very glad I did! All work and no play makes for a very boring life... As Debbie pointed out to me, even though I may not have accomplished any writing on my "personal goals," I have started writing on my blog again. Such an eye opener for me. She is correct! Blog Posts here have been slim this year. For awhile it seemed like just another chore to me, writing a blog post, only because I've had so much going on.  Now, today, it seems new again and I am excited to get back to blogging. As Debbie says, blogging is writing, right? Right! Attending the meeting yesterday was great fun! I have missed talking with a small group about genealogy. It ...

Those Places Thursday ~ San Francisco

This is a "memory post" of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake which was 23 years ago yesterday. I was in a vehicle driving to pick up my daughters from what was probably a soccer practice so I never really felt the quake. The commotion and after affects was where I got more caught up into it. It was all over the news, the earthquake and fire in the city. The phones weren't working, we couldn't call and check on our loved ones. Neighbors got together to comfort and talk about the event while watching the news, as we patiently waited for things to unfold. One of my sisters lived in San Francisco at the time, but she wasn't home. She was in fact going to the World Series game between the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A's. (I sometimes wonder why I wasn't also attending this event?) Needless to say, she felt the quake as did all of the others who were attending this major event. My father worked on the waterfront when this quake hit. His office had...

Wordless Wednesday ~ Fleming's

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!   Copyright © 2012 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

Organization Update and Question

Wow! I am so impressed with myself and can not believe how GOOD it feels to accomplish something for ME! I have made progress! It has only been about four years since his passing but I FINALLY have my biological father's things in order! I have made his own binder and every piece of paperwork is in an archival free protector. He is in my "NEW TREE"on the computer and everything is attached to him and sourced, at least what I have in the computer thus far. I have also decided to update and re-organize my "genealogy people files"on my computer. I have been absolutely amazed at how many "new" file folders I needed to add. Each folder is getting the exact same folders inside, census, pictures, vital records etc. It has been a lot of work, but I tend to do it in the late evening when I am getting tired and can sit and relax. It is a bit more "mindless" work to do. I have progressed to the family names starting with "He" so I am not q...

Beading, Lunch, Webinar, Genealogy ~ A Great Day!

Yesterday I did not have grandchildren to watch or dogs to care for so without guilt (should have been cleaning house-but it was much to hot at somewhere around 100 degrees, give or take) I decided to spend the day beading. My newest, additional hobby. I have several things in the making and a couple things I really wanted to work on. I snuck away into the studio before anyone could sideswipe me. It was not long after I sat in the studio though, when I heard a phone message hitting someone's phone. Thought it was my husbands, but he quickly informed me it was mine. I originally had plans to go to lunch with a couple friends, but one needed to cancel, so I assumed the whole event was off. My other friend still wanted to meet however, so we decided on a half way point between us and enjoyed a wonder couple of hours visiting and catching up on life. We do not often get opportunities to meet like this when both of my friends work, so it was really nice a couple of us were able to ho...