New Year's Resolutions?
Christmas is over. Families have gone home. The house is quiet and bare. What a wonderful week we had! Spending time with family is very special. The last few Christmas's have really opened me up to realizing just how important it is to my family. With comments like, "I will never miss another Christmas at home," "mom always gets great gifts," "you are going to set up all of your decorations this year, aren't you?" and "the tree is beautiful," how can I NOT give it my all during this time of year? I never realized the traditions that my immediate family has started, until this year. I believe blogging pointed this out to me. Because of this, my site has been quiet, but oh what fun I have had! My grandson, who just turned two was an exceptional part of Christmas. Such a joy, and oh what patience he had in opening his gifts. Tear a tiny piece of paper and hand it to the closest person, tear a tiny piece more and hand it to the closest perso...