
Showing posts from December, 2008

New Year's Resolutions?

Christmas is over. Families have gone home. The house is quiet and bare. What a wonderful week we had! Spending time with family is very special. The last few Christmas's have really opened me up to realizing just how important it is to my family. With comments like, "I will never miss another Christmas at home," "mom always gets great gifts," "you are going to set up all of your decorations this year, aren't you?" and "the tree is beautiful," how can I NOT give it my all during this time of year? I never realized the traditions that my immediate family has started, until this year. I believe blogging pointed this out to me. Because of this, my site has been quiet, but oh what fun I have had! My grandson, who just turned two was an exceptional part of Christmas. Such a joy, and oh what patience he had in opening his gifts. Tear a tiny piece of paper and hand it to the closest person, tear a tiny piece more and hand it to the closest perso...

The Proximidade Award

Kathryn at Looking for Ancestors @ nominated Heritage Happens for the Proximidade Award! How kind of you Kathryn, I thank you very much! "These blogs invest and believe in PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time, and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming! These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends! They are not interested in prizes or self -aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award." The eight bloggers I have chosen for this award are: 1. Steve's Genealogy@ 2. The Chart Chick @ 3. The Family Curator @ 4. Find your Folks @ 5. Apple's Tree @ h...

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The countdown is here! I have a few moments and I have to say, as busy as I have been, I have really missed blogging! Family has started arriving from out of state. Plans for the week are quite busy. I can actually say that as of tonight I am as ready as I will ever be and look forward to enjoying the rest of the season! The best part of Christmas is spending time with family and friends. I am really looking foward to spending time with family, making memories, and taking pictures of those memories! Enjoy your family and friends and don't forget the photos! Have a very, very MERRY CHRISTMAS! May Santa grant all of your dreams and wishes! Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts! Msteri

That time of year!

Some people have been wondering where I have been! I can't seem to answer all my emails, let alone post to my blog right now. I hope you are all following the carnivals! I wanted to participate in the Christmas ones, but time just wouldn't allow for me to do that. I haven't even been able to read any of the carnivals myself. :-( I look forward to catching up on these and all the blog posts I have been missing just as soon as possible! I have attended several Christmas parties and or dinners lately, been trying to get my shopping accomplished along with all of the other activities that go on this time of year. My daughter and I did make cookies together, the first time ever, on Sunday. We spent a good 8 hours doing this, I have no idea how many dozens of cookies we made! Every night this week I have had something going on, but it is all fun and I love it! I hope I can post some pictures before Christmas comes. I still have shopping to do, and three quarters of my tree has bu...

A New Hohimer Cousin!

Exciting news to share! A cousin has found me through my blog! What a wonderful surprise when I found his email in my inbox! We have sent a few emails back and forth and he has been so very kind to share some of the most wonderful and new information with me! One of the most exciting things is, he shared with me a copy of a patent our mutual ancestor had! It is the first and only patent I have and I never even knew the relative had a patent! This cousin also shared a handwritten genealogy from our relative and other information. We are getting caught up on how we are related, it is so exciting! I sent him one picture so far of our relative, and if I remember correctly, I don't believe he had any pictures of him, so he was happy to have the picture. I need to take some time and go through other pictures and see if I have more to send to him. I have the pictures (I hope) and he has the documents, this is so much fun! A couple of the documents I have read over a few times, it will be ...

40 Things About Me Meme

Apple over at Apple's Tree tagged me and when she did I originally thought it was for the same one I just completed a couple days ago. I found out it wasn't, so here is my participation! (The problem I have is that I can't use my copy and past functions for some reason on this laptop so have to retype each one!) 1. Do you like blue cheese? It is ok. 2. Have you ever done something you regretted? More than once! 3. Do you own a gun ? No 4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Cherry 5. Do you get nervous before Dr. appointments? Generally no, however lately more so. 6. What do you think of hot dogs? My favorite is Casper's with a"C", otherwise they are no big deal. 7. Favorite Christmas movie? There are many, as stated before I have enjoyed new ones on the Hallmark Channel. 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee, coffee, coffee! 9. Can you do push ups? No way! 10. Favorite hobby? To many.....crocheting, genealogy, reading, scrapbooking, crafts...

Christmas Meme

Lori Thorton at Smokey Mountain Family History, , posted a meme involving Christmas and I thought I would go ahead a play along! 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Always wrapping paper, half of the fun is ripping the paper open! 2. Real Tree or Artificial? Artificial, I can decorate the tree better and not worry about it drying out, watering it or catching fire. There are many ways to add "smell" to the house. 3. When do you put up the tree? For many years it had been the day after Thanksgiving, but the older I get I seem to have more activities, so if it gets up the weekend after Thanksgiving I am happy. 4. When do you take the tree down? Used to take it down right after New Years, but again these days are so active, I prefer to have it down before New Years. 5. Do you like eggnog? Yes I do, especially with "spirits" added to it! 6. Favorite gift received as a child? Would have to be the real puppy I received one year. 7. Hardest...

Organizing And Subscribing To Blogs

I have been asked a few times about RSS Feeds and how to organize the blogs you may subscribe to. As you probably know there are well over a couple hundred genealogy related blogs out there that you may want to subscribe to. I know many people, especially newbies, get overwhelmed with so many blogs and trying to keep up. When people first subscribe to blogs they tend to have the blog updates sent to their personal email. At least I know that is how I started and have spoken with several others who started the same way. Then RSS Feeds came about and it tends to intimidate some people. RSS means "Really Simple Syndication". And believe me, it is really simple! First you need to download a RSS Reader. The reader will check all of your favorite blogs and let you know when any of them are updated. The program I personally downloaded is at this link~ . Here are the basic directions of how to get and install this particular reader. You must have Windows 200...

Isn't The Internet Wonderful?

Early on in my genealogy research I came across a web site which turned out to be a distant cousins genealogy website. My was that a find! We made contact and I was blessed to be given information on that side of the family. I was unable to be of much help to her though, as it was so early on in my research. She sent pictures to see if I could identify anyone in them, but unfortunately I wasn't able to help. I was able to give her a few added names and dates she didn't have, but not very many. This all came about because I put a surname in the google search engine! Ok, I thought all of my research was going to be this easy! I was on cloud nine! As you can well imagine, not much has come that easy to me since. I made a connection with another cousin who verified information on another family line and gave me an excellent resource for that information. This was really important information as it has to do with one of my toughest, if not the toughest lines. I am trying to remember...

Midwestern Genealogy Center

This information was sent by a member from my local genealogy society. It was forwarded to her from a friend, and now I am forwarding this information to you! Now that is how information gets around! ;-) You may have heard about this before but for those who haven't, and I was one of them, the Midwestern Genealogy Center is fairly new and has a great website to check out. I enjoyed taking the tour. There are several databases apparently that can be accessed online. The $8 million Midwestern Genealogy Center is located in Independence, Mo. Their holdings include passenger lists, plantation records, American Indian records, black family history records and Civil War histories. I believe they are offering classes now and have foreign language experts. Also, there is some sort of small food service available and even lockers! Here is the website, enjoy! Check out the floor plans! It would be wonderful to live close to this, but keep in mind if you are planning any traveling in the area...

Wordless Wednesday

Cahuita. Date April 24 2008. Place Costa Rica Central America. Digital Image by Msteri. Privately held by Msteri, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2008

Tombstone Tuesday ~ James P Watson

James P. Watson Headstone. Date October 27, 2007. Location Rowlands, Pennsylvania. Digital Image. Privately held by Msteri, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2008. My grand uncle in law, married to Linda Harding. They had seven children, all girls! This headstone was an added pleasant surprise on the trip to the cemetery in Rowlands. Until this point and time I didn't know he had service in the Navy either. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts! Msteri

Antique Airplane Restaurant ~ Dutch Colony Inn

I thought I would give a link so you could read about the business my first cousin once removed and his wife used to own. His name is Breity Breithaupt. The article gives the date range and history of the restaurant and Inn and shows the plane hung in the restaurant. In 1997 the property was sold to a daugther and son in law. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts! Msteri