Serious Thoughts To Quit Blogging
I remember feeling this way not to long ago, should I stop blogging? The genealogy blogging world has grown immensely since I first started. GeneaBloggers is over 3,000 bloggers, and I was here when this group came to fruition, thanks to Thomas MacEntee. One of my readers brought to my attention the phrase "cousin bait." Those words made me stop and think. Why have I been blogging? Was it to have my posts read by all GeneaBloggers? Was it to be popular? Was it to get known? Was it to find cousins? Why did I start blogging? I have never had the desire to be a professional genealogist. I do enjoy webinars, conferences, classes and doing whatever it takes to keep abreast in the field. I feel there is always something new to learn, and honestly, there are times I feel overwhelmed and tired of learning. Always "learning something" takes time away from working on my family tree. Because this field has grown so much in the last few years, the blog...