
Showing posts from July, 2011

Raking The Ashes Second Edition

The California Genealogical Society (CGS) has announced this book, Raking The Ashes by Nancy Peterson, Second Edition, has been released! If you are researching San Francisco based ancestors, this book is a must have! It will assist you regarding the lost records in the 1906 earthquake and even assist you in working  around other areas where records may have been lost.  The first book was published in 2006, this, the second edition has been substantially updated and expanded. This book has been published by the California Genealogical Society and retails for $25.00. For further information please check out the  Raking The Ashes Website , the  California Genealogical Society , and /or the California Genealogical Society & Library Blog at California Ancestors.Com Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

#31WBGB: Analyze a Top Genealogy Blog ~ Week 4

    Welcome to Week 4 of 31 Weeks to a Better Genealogy Blog!  If you are just joining, you can read the kickoff post at the host's site for this series,  Tonia's Roots!   Week 4’s topic is analyzing a top genealogy blog.  The purpose Welcome to Week 4 of 31 Weeks to a Better Genealogy Blog, kindly hosted by Tonia at here is simply to observe and learn from others.  You probably already read a lot of genealogy blogs (we are a pretty close community), so pick one that you admire, dig in, and think about some of the following: Content §                      What topics are they covering? §                      What topics are they ignoring? §                      How often do they post? Reader Engagement §                      What topics generate the most comments? §                      What styles of posts seem to connect with readers the best? §                      Are they using any tools to connect with their readers (i.e. forums, Twitter, newsletters, activities, etc.) D

#31WBGB ~ Week 3 ~ Promote a Blog Post

Welcome to Week 3 of 31 Weeks to a Better Genealogy Blog!  If you are just joining us, you can   read the kick-off post here  at Tonia's Root's   . Nevertheless, Darren Rowse of   Problogger   offers us: 11 Ways to Promote a Blog Post 1.                    Pitch to other bloggers :  ask another blogger to consider linking to your post.  This gives me the heebie-jeebies.  Tonia says," I really don’t like asking people to do things for me." Neither can I Tonia! 2.                   Social Messaging : use Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks to promote your post.  Darren says “the key is not to incessantly spam your followers and your friends with your link.” 3.                   Social Bookmarking :  promote selective links on sites like Digg or StumbleUpon. 4.                   Internal Links :  what posts within your own site can you link to a given post?  Have you written on a topic before?  Are you writing a series?  Link them up.  Another way to do this

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Great Grandmother ~ (Halvorsdatter) Westby

Date: Abt. 1941~1943 Kari (Halvorsdatter) Westby Holding a great grandson. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

#31 WBGB ~ Week 2 ~ The Countdown

Welcome to Week 2 of Tonia's Roots Challenge ~ 31 Weeks to a Better Genealogy Blog! If you are just joining us, you can  read the kick-off post here . For week 2, we are focusing on list posts.  You are probably familiar with list posts; they have been a part of successful blog-writing for a long time. I am going at this a little backwards maybe for this challenge, but this is how I'd like to do it! My mother always said I never did anything the normal way...but I think she was referring to when I was sick...but that is another story. The top ten items currently on my to do list, genealogically speaking, to hopefully accomplish this week: 10 . Print documents for my Westby family.  9 .  Take the stack of printed copies and load into archival safe pages.   8 .  Look through my CD's to see if I have a copy of the census records I accumulated as I can                            not find them on my computer at this point. 7 .  Make a binder with sub divisions an

Those Places Thursday ~ The Cuyama Buckhorn

One of the Harley runs we have been on a few times has been to New Cuyama. Haven't heard of it you say? Neither had I! It is in Santa Barbara County in the Cuyama Valley. If it weren't for me riding a Harley, there are many places I never would have seen, let alone heard of. "Cuyama" was named after an Indian word for "clams."  New Cuyama was established in 1951. That makes it 60 years old now. I suppose I should have taken that into consideration whenever we were there as the Cuyama Buckhorn (restaurant, bar and motel) where we used to stay seemed especially old. In fact the whole town seems especially old, it really was a dying town.  These pictures were taken in 2003. I looked online to see if I could find any information regarding the history of the Cuyama Buckhorn and what I found is that it is now closed down! I am really not surprised, but it is kind of sad to me. The Buckhorn is closed down. So final. This Harley destination is never to be ag

Wordless Wednesday ~ Unknown Child

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

#31WBGB ~ Week 1 ~ Write and Elevator Pitch For Your Blog

I am joining Tonia's Roots ! She asks: "join me as I spend the next 31 weeks putting into practice tips and tricks from  ProBlogger, Darren Rowse. This program is based on Darren’s highly popular challenge “31 Days to Build a Better Blog,” which he has made available as an e-book.  31 days does not work for my schedule (especially in the summer), so I’m switching it to a weekly challenge." Week one's topic and action item is to write an elevator pitch for your blog, a short introduction to your blog that can be expressed in the space of an elevator ride.  My Elevator Pitch: my Heritage Happens, a family history blog, is my little niche in the world where I can sort, learn, share, discuss, and analyze my family's legacy, putting two and two together so to speak. At times, I may share a bit of what "will become" my heritage, which in turn, leaves "purposeful" documentation for my ancestors. With more than ten years of personal genealogy under

Got Sources? Was Great Grandma Born There, Or Not?

Recently a great dialogue developed between a Facebook friend and myself. I hadn't realized she lived in the city where one of my great grandmothers was born, or so I thought... Allow me share a bit of background ~ Several years ago I was given contact information from my (step) aunt, for one of my mother's cousins whom I had never met. She shared his researched family tree chart with me, which I promptly entered into my genealogy program. After this, I wanted to know what other bits of treasure my cousin might have to share. He lived only a few hours from me so it wasn't long before a date was set when I could meet him and his wife. They lived in the most unique, wonderful house I have ever seen, which was very intriguing on it's own. My cousin's (first cousin once removed) wife was very sweet and included me in their lunch plans. I may not have given her much choice about that though as I was at their home for several hours. At that time my cousin wasn't

Happy 4th of July!

Wishing you all a safe and sane Independence Day! Disneyland, Anaheim, California. October 3, 2011. Digital image held by Cheryl [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]California. 2011 Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2011 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

SNGF ~ My Genea-Bucket List

Alcatraz On Bart, coming home from a great day in San Francisco I saw Randy Seaver's "Saturday Night Genealogy Fun" mission for this evening and I couldn't help but think I needed to do a post on this, plus I knew I had the time when I got home to do so. Here is his SNGF challenge for tonight. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to: Knowing that a “Bucket List” is a wish list of things to do before death: 1) What is on your Genealogy Bucket List? What research locations do you want to visit? Are there genea-people that you want to meet and share with? What do you want to accomplish with your genealogy research? List a minimum of three items – more if you want! 2) Tell us about it in a blog post of your own (please give me a link in Comments), a comment to this post in Comments, or a status line or comment on Facebook. Think big! Have fun! Life is short – do genealogy first! I look at a bucket list as places I want to go