
Showing posts from August, 2010

Heritage Happens Turns Two Today!

Happy Second Blogiversary to Heritage Happens! I never expected when I began this blog that I would still be here two years later. Who was it that said "Never say never?"  I knew this date was fast approaching and I felt I needed to put together a post. I have been trying for the past week to do this, but my thoughts seem to change constantly and my focus isn't what it should be right now. So here you have it, "a la natural"… For some reason I feel as if I am accepting an award and need to give a speech. First I would like to thank… and then I need to thank… I thought about writing a poem. Actually, I started three of them but never could get past the first two lines…(very unusual for me.) I thought about not doing a post, but that was for a split second, that thought didn't last long.  Who could really NOT do a post on their blogiversary if they actually knew they were having one? Not I…. I really do have to thank all of my readers and followers ho...

Update on Life... and Blogging

While blogging has been mostly none existent in the last couple weeks, I do plan to get on track just as soon as possible. I miss this wonderfully, fun hobby of blogging and genealogy. I miss the camaraderie, learning and creativity it brings. I have been side tracked by family and friends health issues; deaths, illnesses (pneumonia), broken bones, cancer, surgeries, hospitals. From robbery to a missing person, and people with guns, the negatives have been haunting me and they don't seem to be stopping. I am trying to remember "this is life" and I can't "fix" everything, but it is difficult, I tend to hurt for everyone. This past week alone, a family member (19) was killed in a car accident. (Received the phone call upon returning home from the funeral last Wednesday) Today my dog had surgery, and I was informed another family member has pancreatic cancer…this particular family member… we went to his brothers funeral last week and his sister had an ane...

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been? Why haven't I been posting lately? Let me fill you in.   A cousin, who has been helping me identify photos that I have been scanning, has been on vacation. Without realizing it, I gave myself a vacation from genealogy. I suppose I felt it was the perfect time to work on some other things, non genealogy related. Summer, projects and a few other things have kept me busy. I recovered my daughter's dining room chairs. It was a fun project, something I had never attempted before. I completed a baby afghan I made for the shower I attended last Saturday. There have been many, many hours spent working in my front yard. After removing a large juniper, my work really began. There was an awful lot of lava rock that needed moving out, and river rock which needed to be moved in. Of course shopping for and planting plants. I actually see light at the end of the tunnel regarding the yard! I have to admit I am already much happier with it. I think it has been a month, o...

I Remember Terry Thornton

I was saddened to hear that Terry Thornton passed away last night. I heard probably a bit to late that he was terminally ill. I sent him an email this past week, however I doubt he ever read it. I thanked him for approaching me and making me feel so special once upon a time. That was when I first "met" Terry, almost two years ago. Terry, you will never be forgotten. I appreciate what you did for me and for being a friend. I hope you know this. May you rest in peace. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!   Copyright © 2010 By Cheryl Palmer  

Moving From Backwards To Forward, Isn't That Moving Backwards?

My uncle was born on March 19, 1924 in Spokane, Washington as Richard Harold DeMoss. (I have never known him as DeMoss) I had been contemplating posting copies of his service records and such when it came to my attention that I haven't scanned any of his documentation! I had "moved forward" as I have his mother and her line in my system, etc., but I do not have anything in my genealogy program other than a name and basic dates for my uncle. I found it interesting that when I went looking for information in my files under Harding (which is what I grew up knowing his last name to be) and then under DeMoss also, I couldn't find copies of any of his files on my computer. Seems I have been more focused on "older" ancestors and organizing their paperwork. Time to move from backwards to forward a bit...darn, doesn't that mean I am going in the wrong direction??? I do not have a file made for the name DeMoss, yet I should. I feel my uncle is currently lost ...

Wordless Wednesday ~ Unknown Siblings

Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts! Copyright © 2010  Cheryl Palmer

I Did My 10!

I know you haven't heard from me in a few days, but I have good reason! First and foremost, I have been taking care of my grand children this week, the prince and princess, some of you may already know this is what I call them. The prince is 3 yrs, and the princess is 15 months. They have kept me on my toes, but oh what a pleasure! So, life goes on, with many interruptions sometimes, and things get put on hold. The next item I am about to discuss is what I have been spending my tiny bit of free time doing lately, instead of blogging and researching etc. Have you read or heard about and LowCountry Africana teaming up for an indexing project? I know I have seen it posted in the Family Tree Magazine's Genealogy Insider Blog and on Twitter. I haven't had much time to poke around lately, but I have seen a badge earned and posted to at least one blog site already. When I first read about this project I immediately replied that I would like to help. (I was immedi...