Heritage Happens Turns Two Today!
Happy Second Blogiversary to Heritage Happens! I never expected when I began this blog that I would still be here two years later. Who was it that said "Never say never?" I knew this date was fast approaching and I felt I needed to put together a post. I have been trying for the past week to do this, but my thoughts seem to change constantly and my focus isn't what it should be right now. So here you have it, "a la natural"… For some reason I feel as if I am accepting an award and need to give a speech. First I would like to thank… and then I need to thank… I thought about writing a poem. Actually, I started three of them but never could get past the first two lines…(very unusual for me.) I thought about not doing a post, but that was for a split second, that thought didn't last long. Who could really NOT do a post on their blogiversary if they actually knew they were having one? Not I…. I really do have to thank all of my readers and followers ho...