"My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~Tower of London, Inside~Post 32

"My" Swedish Adventure ~ Förbereda (Preparing) Links to posts 1-10 can be found here . "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Links to posts 11-20 can be found here. "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Links to posts 21-30 can be found here. "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan~Tower of London, Architecture~Post 31 `````````````````````````````````````````` It was a beautiful day (as were all other's in London this far) when we visited the Tower of London. I am happy to have a photo showing some of the blue sky as well as the enormous size of this building. Above, you see the tourist line, behind the rope, to enter. As we arrived closer to the entrance line we found this guard on duty. If the guard wasn't smiling below, I would think he was asking this gentleman to leave. Maybe he was, and was humored by the whole ordeal, I really don't know. I just t...