I Even Shocked Myself Yesterday, Among Others
Well, the last couple of weeks have been very different for me. Vacation, of course was wonderful. However since I came back from vacation, there have been a lot of changes, the main one concerning my job. When I came back after vacation, I was informed that hours had been cut in order to not have to lay anyone else off. There had been a few layoffs a couple months back. The company is a small company and was down to fourteen people at this point. My thought was "Hooray" I get a day off during the week, which was awesome as I always need more time. The week after vacation I had Thursday off. So I would work three days, off a day, work one day and then the weekend would be here again. (I spent that Thurday, my first day off taking care of my sick grandson, so it changed all the plans I had made for the day, but I wouldn't have traded that for the world, my grandson comes first in my books!) I have been unhappy at my job for a few years. I had been fighting to stay for one ...