
Showing posts from May, 2009

"Where I Have Lived Series" becomes "Those Places Thursday"

I have been asked a few questions about the photos I have been posting regarding this series, so I thought it would be a good idea to explain these pictures and why I am sharing them. In the process I have also decided to make some changes regarding these posts! A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to take photos of all of the places I have ever lived, at least the ones I was aware of! I spent three days driving, photographing and viewing these places. I was fortunate enough to have lived in the same basic vicinity most of my life which cut on travel, time and costs. It has been very interesting for me to see the changes some of these dwellings and areas have gone through. Some areas and homes improved and some went downhill. Most have been painted and look quite different from when I lived there. Of course, many years have passed, so these dwellings were bound to have changed. When I was very young, one or two areas where I used to live are not good areas currently, so I enlisted

Wordless Wednesday ~ Where I Have Lived Series (3)

House. March 25, 2007. San Lorenzo, Ca. Digital Image. Privately held by Cheryl [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2009 Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

Busy Making Memories!

I just wanted to let you know that I have been busy making memories! First and foremost, I have been helping my daughter with her new daughter! Adjusting to another little one in the house and recovering from surgery was an adjustment for her, but all is well! I've also been helping a friend with plans for her daughter's wedding. Shopping, sewing and decision making. It has been fun! A few days ago, my other daughter, from Tennessee, arrived with her boyfriend, who we met for the first time. Lots of family time, meals and sightseeing, it has been great. The boyfriend is wonderful too! To top things off, I pulled muscles in my back, so now that is laying me up a bit. (This has however given me a few moments to update you here!) We were planning on going away for the upcoming weekend, but with my back it looks highly unlikely, as we were going away on the motorcycles. I will have lots to catch up on after this weekend and look forward to my normal routine. Gee, do I have a normal

Blogging Prompt #18

Showcase a favorite blog or blogger. This is a great way to share some blog love and introduce readers to new genealogy writers. Thanks to We Tree for the inspiration! Instead of showcasing a favorite blog or blogger (there are so many I couldn't choose just one) I thought I would showcase a new to me blog. If you are doing Irish research, you need to follow this one, Irish Genealogical Research . I have Irish in my lines but haven't researched in Ireland as of yet. Even though I am not ready to research there, I have found this blog to be informative and fun to follow. Who knows, maybe by the time I am ready to research in Ireland, I will be a step ahead of the game! The more I learn as I go along, the easier it will be by the time I am actually ready to go "Irish." Articles on Irish research, history, surnames, places, and researchers are an example of what you will find. You will find a link to Irish genealogy message boards, which I haven't been to yet bu

Wordless Wednesday ~ Where I Have Lived Series (2)

House. March 25, 2007. San Lorenzo, California. Digital Image. Privately held by Cheryl [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2009 Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

Tombstone Tuesday - Claude and Francis Fanzago

Claude and Francis headstone. May 12, 2009. Livermore, Ca. Digital image. Privately held by Cheryl [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2009 A few days ago, when my initial plans fell through, I decided to play around on I chose a few names from my tree that I hadn't done much, if any, research on. I searched to see if I could find where some of these people may be buried. Accidentally, I found the grave of Claude(Claudio)and his wife Francis. I didn't have a clue who these people were, but I instantly did some work to find out. You see, Fanzago is a very familiar name to me. My daughter's ggrandmother, Marie, was born Marie Fanzago. I found out Claudio was Marie's brother, so he is my daughter's great grand uncle! I haven't researched this line at all yet, so when I found Claude it was a fantastic surprise! I have no idea how many Fanzago's there are, or have been in California, but it is an unusual name, so I hoped there would be a connectio

Happy Mother's Day! ~ Before I was a Mom

Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on. Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests. Or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep. Before I was a Mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put her down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom. Before I was a Mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.. I didn&#

Beyond Words!

I truly am beyond words! Two awards in two days! This time Greta at Greta's Genealogy Blog has awarded me the 2009 Friendly Blogger Award! I thank you Greta for bringing me this award and thinking I am a "Friendly Blogger!" I think you are pretty darn friendly too! You have already received this award or I would give it to you too! Instead I will choose seven other friendly bloggers! This are my choices~ Steve - Steve's Genealogy Blog Julie - GenBlog Thomas - GenaBloggers Stephanie - Irish Genealogical Kay B - Kay B's Place Tipper - Blind Pig And The Acorn Craig - GeneaBlogie Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

What a "Lovely" Surprise!

I had a great day today with my daughter and grandchildren. I often wonder, what could be finer? Maybe a day in Carolina? OK maybe not, but I think this was just as wonderful and such a surprise! Kay at Kay B's Place sent me a message today saying that she chose me to receive an award for having “One Lovely Blog”. Thank you, Kay! This just added to my already wonderful day! I am pleased you think enough of my blog to choose me! Now, I am asked to to pass this “One Lovely Blog Award” on to seven blogs and their authors. When you receive yours we hope you will take the time to read some new blogs or revisit some of your favorites. Then the instructions are simple - just nominate 7 other blogs. Oh, it so tough, it is always difficult to name just a few... These are the seven I choose ~ Drusilla Pair ~ Find Your Folks Gini Webb ~ Ginisology Sheri Fenley ~ The Educated Genealogist Apple ~ Apple's Tree Kathryn ~ California Genealogy Society and Library Blog Taylorstales ~ TaylorS

Wordless Wednesday~Where I Have Lived Series(1)

Apartments. March 25, 2007. Hayward, California. Digital Image. Held by Cheryl Fleming Palmer. [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] California. 2009 Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

DearMYRTLE'S Get Organized - May 2009

Here we are into another month of 2009, yes it is May! This means that DearMYRTLE has posted her Finally Getting Organized Plan for this month! Are you ready to tackle the next plan of attack? You can find her May edition here ! Links to the previous four months of organizational plans on this page also in case you need access to them. Happy organizing for this month! Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

Spreading the Wealth on My Harding Line, and More!

I have had a full genealogy day! I took the opportunity this morning to send an email with some pictures to my cousin (once removed). These were pictures my new found online friend shared with me this week. I asked for permission from him to send her some pictures which I had scanned of his a couple years ago. My new found friend gave me a hint today that if this cousin wants to e-mail her, he could. So, I let him know what she said and we will take it from there. I have met three of my first cousins once removed from this family (Harding) line in the last few years. There is actually one more that I haven't met yet, but have e-mail contact with. It has been such a joy to meet and have contact with these family members. As I have stated before, most of the last few years I have spent meeting family members (from more than one line) and oh what a joy that has been! To think I probably wouldn't have met any of these people if I hadn't gotten involved in family history is so s

Blogging prompt - #17

Week #17: Make a research task list. Posting these items to will help you get your tasks done, and may encourage readers to do the same. Thanks to We Tree ( ) for the inspiration! I have been doing these blogging prompts not because I can't think of anything to write about, but because they help me to accomplish something, make me focus on my genealogy. I would like to thank Amy again for this wonderful idea she has come up with, a blogging prompt a week! I tend to get a bit behind sometimes with them, but so far I have been doing them all. Here is my research task list~ (I just noticed my list disappeared on this post, not sure what happened to it! Decided I am going to add a new one! 5/6/09) 1) Research birth information to send for birth certificates for the Harding children. 2) Research to find how to obtain Madie Miner's birth certificate. (ongoing issue) 3) Find where Paul and

Dulin's In Norway, I Have Crossed The Ocean! Translation Time!

I have always been told that a part of my family came from Norway. This is one of the first bits of information I have received that proves I do. This is the 1875 census which shows Dagny and her family in Skein, Telemark, Norway. I wish to thank my newest online friend (KC-R) who was so kind to exchange information with me on my HARDING line! 1875 Kretsnr Krets Gate Gardnr Gardseigar By 9 1 9 Henrik Ibsens Gade 29 Bryggeriet (forr. Joh.?? Borcksønner) Skien Personnr. Hushald Førenamn Etternamn Kjønn Fam. stilling Sivilstand Yrke Fødd år Fødestad Bostatus Trussamf. Etasje 140 1 1 Hans Dulin m hf g Hypothekbankens Kommissionær participant i Ølbryggeri 1830 Vingers Pr. b Hovedbygningens 1ste 141 2 1 Hanna Eline Dulin f Blom k hm g 1837 Gjerpens Pr. b 142 3 Anna Sophie Dulin k d ug 1864 Christiania b 143 4 Søren Blom Dulin m s 1865 Skien b 144 5 Einar Dulin m s 1866 Skien b 145 6 Magnhild Dulin k d 1867 Skien