May 12 ~ Remembering ~ Today, and in My Family History
Today ~ May 12, 2014
The husband of my third cousin once removed, a "Living Gabrielsen."
My second cousin once removed, a "Living Batterson."
My second cousin once removed, a "Living Nolan."
My second cousin once removed, a "Living Nolan."
May They Rest in Peace
Born on May 12, 1872
The brother in law of a first cousin once removed of my step father, Francis Mary Greiner. She would have been 142 years old today.
Born on May 12, 1676
My seventh great grand uncle, Ebenezer Richmond. He would have been 338 years old today.
Died on May 12, 1874
Born on May 12, 1872
The brother in law of a first cousin once removed of my step father, Francis Mary Greiner. She would have been 142 years old today.
Born on May 12, 1676
My seventh great grand uncle, Ebenezer Richmond. He would have been 338 years old today.
Died on May 12, 1874
My great grand aunt, Inger Torgine Torgalsdatter (Vestby).
Died on May 12
The wife of my second cousin once removed, a Torgersen.
The wife of my second cousin once removed, a Torgersen.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!
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