Please Help Save the SSDI!

We need your help! 

We are trying to bring attention to this matter to as many genealogists (and non-genealogists) as possible. I am sure most of you have heard that we may loose access to the SSDI! Have you signed the petition?

Yes, there is a petition to try to stop this from happening ~ We need your support by signing the petition! We have until March 8 to get 25,000 signatures!

Why is RPAC initiating a petition with the “We the People” site at the White House?
At this time, a key piece of the strategy is to get publicity for our message.  The “We the People” website is a commitment by the Obama Administration to highlight issues that a significant number of Americans feel are important. Those issues are then sent on to decision-makers in Washington who can best implement solutions and improvements.
RPAC is using this vehicle to deliver a strong message to the IRS that they have the power to solve this problem TODAY; they don’t need legislation and they don’t need to remove public access to the SSDI.

The Federation of Genealogical Societies page has a link: Records Preservation and Access Committee (RPAC). When you click on this link you will be taken to a page of frequently asked questions which explains about saving the SSDI, the hows and whys of the petition.  

The mission statement of RPAC s as follows~

To advise the genealogical community on ensuring proper access to historical records of genealogical value in whatever media they are recorded, on means to affect legislation, and on supporting strong records preservation policies and practices. 

This petition needs 25,000 signatures before March 8, 2012. Word is being sent throughout all genealogical venues in the country, mostly via social media, regarding this petition with the attempt to get every genealogist to sign it.

The petition to save the SSDI entitled "Stop Identity Theft Now," has step-by-step instructions on how to register with to sign the petition, available at

Here is another link with more information ~

Plus a link to a post by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak ~

And a link to DearMyrtle's post ~

Please be sure to spread the word! We need everyone to sign 

this petition and continue to spread the word! Be sure your 

genealogy society has also been informed. This is critical, it 

could be the beginning of loosing other record access also if we 

lose the SSDI! Thank you!

Thanks for stopping by! 

Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts! 

Copyright © 2012 By Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved


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