Acknowledgement and Thanks!

Two thirds of this year has passed so quickly! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people who have left comments on my blog these past four months! Bloggers appreciate healthy, positive, helpful and constructive comments. Comments encourage us to continue blogging and sometimes may even give us ideas for a future post. It shows us that people appreciate your thoughts, work, time and energy used towards blogging.

 I have made a list of each person who has commented on my blog, hopefully I haven't left anyone out. If I have, please accept my sincere apologies and let me know!  Many of these people have left more than one comment here on Heritage Happens. I want you all to know that I really do appreciate the time you take to leave your comments on my blog. 

While making this list, I decided to log how many times each of these people below commented. I have had comments sent to me that were not posted on my blog also, but I am not including those. I became curious who was leaving the most comments, and really seemed to follow Heritage Happens. From that list I would like to recognize the top five who have left the most comments. But first, here is the complete list~

Mary ~ Mary's Musings
Apple ~ Apple's Tree
TennLady ~ Gene Notes
Gini ~ Ginisology
Scottish Genealogist ~ Our Scots Blog
David ~ A follower
Rootdigger ~ A Rootdigger
Lindalee ~ Flipside
Bokesliden Magnus ~ Follower 
Becky ~ Kinexxions
Joan Miller ~ Luxegen
Professor Dru ~ Find Your Folks
Kerry ~ Clue Wagon
Miriam ~ AnceStories
A.C. Ivory ~ Find My Ancestor
Martin - Follower
Anonymous ~ Follower
Generations TV ~ The Generations Project
Kristin ~ Finding Eliza
Cynthia ~ Heritage Zen
Andrea ~ Family Tales
Shelley ~ Twigs of Yore
Harriet ~ Genealogy Fun

Quite a list, wouldn't you say? I am honored and humbled that these people have all been by and commented on this blog. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. And now, in no particular order, the top five people who have commented on Heritage Happens so far this year are ~

Gini ~ Ginisology
Greta ~ Greta's Genealogy Blog
Lori H ~ Genealogy and Me
Michelle  ~ The Turning of Generations
Mary ~ Mary's Musings
Lori E. ~ Family Trees may Contain Nuts
Rootdigger ~ A Rootdigger
Miraim ~` Ancestories
Bill West ~ West in New England

Ooops...Looks like there are nine people listed here, not five. Actually, there was a tie for fourth place! I couldn't be happier! You all have wonderful blogs and I look forward to leaving more comments on yours! Thank you for your continued support! 

As you may remember, I did this for the first four months of the year. Here are the top five (seven) from that list ~

Michelle Goodrum The Turning Of Generations
Mary ~ Mary's Musings
Greta Koehl ~ Greta's Genealogy Blog
Lori Hellmund ~ Genealogy and Me
Taylorstales ~ Taylorstales Genealogy
Lindalee ~ Flipside
Joan ~ Roots N Leaves

I plan on doing this again the end of December. Actually it will be more like the beginning of January 2011. I have decided to award a gift to the person who leaves the most messages on my blog for the year. I haven't decided exactly what that gift will be yet, so I can't tell you what it is. However, if you are the slightest bit interested in winning the gift, you have the last third of the year to comment and win the prize. Once I decide for sure what the gift will be, I may decide to drop hints or clues about it along the way....or I may just announce what it will be, or I may not say anything until the winner is announced. What would your preference be?  What gift would you like to see awarded? (Within reason now, please!) Now is your chance to leave comments!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!

Copyright © 2010 Cheryl Palmer


  1. Let me be the first to leave a comment beginning the last section of 2010....Thank you for writing such an interesting blog which we all enjoy reading.

  2. Aww shucks Cheryl. You are such a sweetheart for taking the time to make this list. You know, your blog is such a joy to read. Keep up the good work. I always look forward to your posts!

  3. For you to continue with your blogging would be the best gift at all! I enjoy reading yours and others blogs and leaving comments. I appreciate your keeping the stats and giving us this info every few months...and it's a real honor for the link back to my blog! Thanks!

  4. The pleasure is ours,Cheryl,to read your posts!Please keep them coming!

  5. You are blessed to have followers who really do follow! Of course, you have a great blog that really is worth following!

  6. Cheryl, your blog is always a pleasure to read. Hope you have many more productive comments to finish the year!

  7. Hopefully, the last few months of the year will be saner and I can get back to reading other blogs, posting comments, and posting more on my own blog.

    And thank you for being a part of the geneabloging community. I always enjoy reading your blog.

  8. I haven't been able to read too much over the last few weeks as I have been preparing for my son's wedding. I enjoy your blog so much! Thanks for sharing your stories with us!

  9. Thank you all for your wonderful comments! Wow! My life has been pretty hectic lately, but hope to start posting more again soon. I LOVE each of your blogs and hope to get back to leaving comments myself more, hopefully in a couple of weeks or so. As I can attest to, life does sometimes get in the way of genealogy, blogging and commenting. I appreciate your conscious effort to comment on my blog, you are all awesome!

  10. Hi Cheryl,

    What a cool idea to track how many comments each person leaves. I wish I could get more comments on my blog, but I've just given up on it all together. I like to leave comments on other people's blogs just because I enjoy reading them, as is the case with your blog. I'm glad you have such a dedicated following and that people are reading and learning from the material you present on your blog. I enjoy learning new information from it as well. Thanks for mentioning my blog as well. Hopefully I will be able to sneak some posts in soon between school work as well :-)

  11. Hi Ginger,

    NEVER give up! before you know it things change! You are busy with school which should come first anyway, but all of a sudden things will expand before your eyes and....viola! Magic happens! :-) Thank you for taking the time to post a comment, good luck with school and look forward to more from your blog!


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