
Showing posts from June, 2015

"Eric Söderlund" ~ 1910 & 1920 Federal Censuses

I do not have a copy of Erik in the 1910 census, yet.  I have a copy of a 1920 census which lists an Eric A. Soderlund living in Rushseba, Minnesota. He was born in Sweden and was working as a hired hand. I must have thought back in the day that this was my Eric as I have kept a copy of the information. It is not, however, my Erik. Two things I see on the census. One states "Eric" was born abt. 1900. My Erik was born in 1869. Also, this 1920 census states the year of immigration as 1916. My Erik emigrated to the U.S. in 1891. Spelling of the name could have been an error in this census, which wouldn't be a surprise, but this "Eric" is not mine. Looks like I need to do some more searching in the 1910 and 1920 censuses. Have you ever found you saved the wrong information for an ancestor? Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you success in all of your genealogical treasure hunts!  Copyright © 2015 Cheryl Palmer All Rights Reserved

"My" Swedish Adventure ~ Resan ~ Copenhagen, Denmark ~ Post 41

"My" Swedish Adventure ~ Förbereda (Preparing) Links to posts 1-10 can be found here. "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Links to posts 11-20 can be found here. "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Links to posts 21-30 can be found here. "My" Swedish Adventure~Resan (The Trip) Links to posts 31-40 can be held here. -------------------------------------- It has taken awhile for me to post all about our trip to Sweden back in 2013. So to update, we checked out London for a few days with friends who live there. It was great seeing Dave and Cathy again.   A taxi took us from Westminster to Harwich to hook up with our cruise ship, which was almost a hour ride. Some folks left earlier than we did on different buses, and well, let's just say it took them a whole lot longer to get to the ship. An accident held up a lot of people on the main road to Harwich. Our taxi driver was aware of the mess, he drove the outs...